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FMM: Habits
- Are you proactive, or do you procrastinate? I've been proactive most of my life, but I have found myself procrastinating a little bit the last year or so.
- Do you eat breakfast everyday? If so, what’s a typical meal like? I try to eat breakfast, but it's usually not first thing in the morning. I have my coffee right away and usually by 9 or 10, I'm ready to eat. On days where I don't have to go anywhere in the morning, I have been making egg white/veggie scrambles. If I have to be somewhere, I usually just grab a piece of fruit or eat dry cereal while I'm getting ready.
- How much time do you spend watching TV on an average day? We haven't had t.v. for about 5 years. (We don't have cable and can't get regular stations without an antenna). We do love the t.v. show Psych and watch it on Netflix and Hulu. I probably watch one or two episodes a week.
- Do you talk on the phone, or do you prefer e-mail and/or text messages? I prefer e-mail and text messages, but I do talk on the phone to one of my friends who lives far away and my Mom who refuses to text or use the computer.
- Do you exercise in the morning, afternoon or evening? I do workout videos sometime in the morning while my kids are at school, but when I go walking or jogging, I wait until late afternoon when my daughter is home, because we like to go together.
- Do you take time for yourself regularly? I am currently unemployed, so I have all day to myself. I probably should spend more time cleaning and doing stuff around the house, but it's the first time in a long time that I've had time to do whatever I wanted, so I'm taking advantage of it.
- How often do you make your bed? We usually make it most days. My husband is really particular about having his side of the bed just perfect and I enjoy seeing the pillows and everything in place, so we don't skip making it very often.
- Do you plan meals? If so, how far in advance? I usually plan a week at a time. I hate grocery shopping, so it's better if I can limit my trips to the store.
- Do you wake up at the same time everyday? During the week, my alarm goes off at 5:35, so I can get in the bathroom before the family is up. On weekends, it depends.
- How often do you brush your teeth? I'm a bit obsessive about clean teeth. I brush them first thing in the morning, after every meal, before bed and probably at least 2 other times throughout the day. If I'm out and about and can't brush, I chew sugarless gum.
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